Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Treasures of my heart

The purity and beauty buried
within me fulfills my eternally,
lost deeply below the trenches
in me are the feelings of your

soul I hold dearly and the glitter

and sparkles I see brighten

my dreams. 

As the weight of my passion
for you outweighs my brain, 
the glow of seeing you lights
the darken pits I've searched
through to find you. Through
each stormy seas or pirates
in wait to steal the joys I feel,
you completely satisfy me

Hidden in time and lost through
a world so unkind but finding
my priceless treasure motivate
the existence of my pleasures.
Polished by my love, shine on 
me my love and I will comfort
your needs and through our life's 
you will be please. Treasures 
of my heart.

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