Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Erotic trilogy

Our passionate kissing and
romantic licking to the more
physical business, lets explore
my erotic trilogy of some deep
intimacy and this raw loving
psychology. Submission of our
minds as our flesh intertwine, 
she breathe external sighs in
disbelief as her toes curl below
the sheets. It's that reviving 
feeling when our connection
reach the ceiling, our romantic
highs and when our hearts meet 

through this erotic time. Erotic 
trilogy, the highlight of drilling 
her physically, kissing the heart 
of her brain and lovingly healing 

any internal pain.

Copyright Andrew Vassell 2012

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Walking by faith

I'll only walk in my faith,
only in you I lay my weight,
their's no burdens here
since you've relief my fears.
I hold no secrets in life,
you'll protect me without
a blade of any knife and
be the angel of light when 
I walk at night. 

Like Daniel had no fears
in a lion's den, I too will
embrace you my friend.
You helped Moses to part
the red sea and made five
fish and two loafs five 
thousands tea so I know 
you'll do the same for me. 

You're my salvation, so who
shall I fear, the strength of
my rock and my roots are
grounded in you, a friend for
true. In me you reside, you're
the sight of my eyes and the
guard to guide my life. 
Walking by faith as you
define each step I make but
for you my heart waits.

Copyright Andrew Vassell 2012

Mold me, make me

Mold me, make me, wake me
and when I'm lost find me, 
confined me and shelter me.
Control and protect my path,
lead me only to you and away
from the wrath. 

Fill me with dreams of you hide
and eradicate the thoughts
that are not true or of you. 
Guide my path and continue to 
warm my heart.

Our father, the art of heaven,
the significant thoughts of my
life and the true reason I write. 
Mold me, make me and when
I fall asleep please wake me.

Copyright Andrew Vassell 2012

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Love through poems: La profundidad de sus ojosMás profundos pensami...

Love through poems:

La profundidad de sus ojos
Más profundos pensami...
: La profundidad de sus ojos Más profundos pensamientos por escrito bajo la sombra de sus ojos preciosa, la vista se ve y se sie...

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

La profundidad de sus ojos

Más profundos pensamientos por escrito bajo
la sombra de sus ojos preciosa,
la vista se ve y se siente, pero se derrite
Me emocionalmente. Visiones de los ojos,
sí, lo veo como a través de la mira
el brillo de la luna sobre un paño ligeramente
iluminación azul del mar, ¡Oh, qué belleza que
parece ser.

Más profundos ojos que me mira,
brilla como sus canciones a la vista en
para ver lo que está destinado a ser, ya que
parece soñar con lo que su corazón
ojos se sienten. Hipnotizar por una persona física
el calor que se puede sentir más allá de la
la pared de mi corazón me hace darme cuenta
Qué bonitos ojos.

Depth of her eyes

Deeper thoughts written beneath
the shade of her beautiful eyes, 
sight seen and is felt but melts 
me emotionally. Visions of her eyes,
yes I see like through glares of 
the moon shine over a lightly
lit blue sea, oh what a beauty it 
seems to be.

Deeper eyes that looks at me,
glimmers as her sight tunes in
to see what's meant to be as it 
seems to dream of what her heart's
eyes feel. Hypnotise by a natural
warmth that can be felt beyond the
wall of my heart makes me realise
what beautiful eyes.

Andrew Vassell (Ntyse) Copyright © 2012

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

The imperfect love

The imperfection of a
damaged heart has been
miraculously stitched and
seal through by the thread 
of your love. Anointed by
it's faith and truth, a heart 
appointed to you. Through
the resurrection and 
reincarnation of what I feel, 
my faith in love has been 

Like a flaming sword 
piercing me, so your love
sinks through my roots
and earth within me. Like
a view over a landscape
greenery the nature of 
your ideal beauty soothe
the sweets of what I feel.
The imperfection of our
journey to meet love is
perfectly at the climax
of my heart's peak loving

Copyright 2012 Andrew Vassell